The goal of the capital campaign is to collect the funds necessary to acquire a building in the Eugene/Springfield area in Oregon that can house art collection of the Children's Art Museum as well as serve as a public Multicultural Education Center.
Contact us if you can help!
After many years teaching visual arts to children and participating in national and international events, we have accumulated a world-class collection of amazing art created by artists ages 4 to 18. The breadth and depth of these works defy any notion of children's art being in any way less than "the real thing". Art collectors around the world, as well as psychologists and educators, have come to recognize the importance and appreciate the fine artistic qualities of children's creations. We have exhibited parts of our collection at various temporary locations, but we are convinced that this art and the viewing public deserve more. Our desire is to share masterpieces in our collection with local audience, and to bring in international art exhibits. We would like to give Eugene a permanent museum of children's art that will grow and become the focal point of a variety of artictic and educational activities in the city. It will be the first children's art museum in Oregon, one of very few in the country. The museum will compliment the rich cultural scene of Eugene, at the same time widening its cosmopolitan qualitty with multicultural art exhibits and exchanges.
We can have one like these in our own back yard!
Paintbrush Diplomacy (PBD), Menlo Park, CA
Online Teaching Museum
Ages 5 to 18. Committed to “sharing the fruits of children’s creativity with people around the world.”
Stone Soup, Santa Cruz, CA
Online Store
Stories, poems and art by kids through age 13. Inspiring, connecting and supporting creative kids around the world.
Museum of Children's Arts (MOCHA), Oakland, CA
Develop interactive spaces where children and their families create, share and connect through art. Its permanent art collection contains the works created by children during MOCHA art
Children’s Museum of the Arts (CMANY), New York, New York
Ages up to 15. Introduce children and their families to the transformative power of the arts by providing opportunities to make art side-by-side with working artists.
World Awareness Children’s Museum, Glens Falls, New York
Inspire curiosity and foster understanding and appreciation of worldwide cultural diversity.
Le Muz, Paris, France,
London International Gallery of Children's Art (LIGCA), London, UK
Use children’s art as a tool to teach children about themselves and the world around them.
Museum of Children’s Art (Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V. Berlin-International), Berlin,
Call attention to and recognize creative expressiveness of children and build a worldwide forum for the cultural exchange on the basis of children’s art.
The International Museum of Children's Art (Det Internasjonale Barnekunstmuseet), Oslo, Norway
The three basic functions of the museum are to create, preserve, and present children's art worldwide.
Children's Art Museum at National Center for Aesthetics, Yerevan, Armenia
Representing children’s art as a part of the world culture.
The Museum of Greek Children’s Art, Athens, Greece
It exhibits exclusively drawings and three-dimensional artwork created by children 5 to 14 years old.