In partnership with Unicorn Ranch: Where everything is possible...
An ongoing program that brings together children, art and nature. Young artists are invited to the ranch to observe plants, celebrate seasons, get to know horses, and express appreciation of Life
through visual art.
Let us know if you would like to participate!
The Trip on October 8, 2016.
We had a wonderful visit on a bright autumn day! The ranch owner, Katarina Cernozubov-Digman, introduced us to her fabulous horses, each one of whom had a compelling life
story. Katarina explained the subtle and no-so-subtle body language that horses use to communicate with humans. Children got a chance to groom their horses and get familiar with them before
riding bareback in the arena. Helpful ranch staff and parent volunteers supervised the riding activity.
When this adventure was over, children participated in an art session lead by the founder of the Little Owl School of Arts, Anastasia Savenkova. Those who wanted could study illustrations of
equine anatomy and catalogs of horse breeds. The rest would rely solely on their impressions and imagination. At the end of the session all participants created beautiful artwork
inspired by their day at the ranch.
It was tea and cookie time after that. Young visitors were treated to a Russian-style tea party complete with a wood burning samovar, provided by one of the parents.
Thank you, Unicorn Ranch, for making this trip happen!